Saturday, February 28, 2009

الغز و ما أدراك ما الغز

first of all, in Kuwait when someone says 'baroo7 agiz' it usually means that he's going to cruise around Kuwait in his car or choosing one street going back and forth... أطالعك و تطالعني و أخزك و تخزني و يتحرش و تضحك إلى آخره


6ab3an il7imdilla illy 3afani mabtala fe ghairy illy gamaw ilshabab eloyoon oo ilbint etloooy bishiwari3 shino ma 3indihom bait.


I believe that this word is derived from the English word 'Gaze'


As mentioned in this website,


Gaze, verb (used without object)


1. To look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder.


Synonyms: Gaze, stare, gape suggest looking fixedly at something. To gazeis to look steadily and intently at something, esp. at that which excites admiration, curiosity, or interest: to gaze at scenery, at a scientific experiment. To stare is to gaze with eyes wide open, as from surprise, wonder, alarm, stupidity, or impertinence: to stare unbelievingly or rudely. Gape is a word with uncomplimentary connotations; it suggests open-mouthed, often ignorant or rustic wonderment or curiosity: to gape at a tall building or a circus parade. 


so, I have came to the conclusion that غز is the same word as gaze, and I’ve said this so many times bas everyone thinks ana ga3id atfalsaf... what do you guys think?


The reason I’m talking about this word, is that I have never seen in my life this much `hailag` in my life, it’s like they were waiting desperately for this holiday to talk freely to the other sex!!! illy libnayya mistansa ina she’s talking to a guy in front of everyone jiddam jam3iyat bnaider!!!!!! Although I haven’t been to the Maseera, what I have seen in jam3iyat lid3imy that has McDonalds is more than enough, believe me!


and the guys, wa ma adrak ma the guys!!! you can all say that basically likwait kilha yannaw!!! ya3ny this is not how you celebrate the national holidays, instead, it should be foam free and people can walk with confidence on the day, mafroooth maseera walking and not by car, mafroooth inna in7is inna kuwait is living as a whole for at east one day, bas il moshkila inna everone is experiencing it as a long weekend....


I’m so sad, that i cant express my full emotions bas i hope the picture ewtha7at likum.




Tuesday, February 24, 2009

او قال أحبك يا يماااااااا

i love my mom so much, and this is a dedication for her....


this might be my last post in february, so lemme tell you few things before the end of the month.

i have to tell you  guys the truth, i've been lying to myself that im fine and im fit, but thats not true.... i gained 5 kilos! it is now time to go back to my original diet...  i could make my gastric band smaller and lose weight easily bas thats not a long term solution to keep a  normal weight. im currently 95kilos of weight and from today, i've decided to lose 10 kilos by the end of april, im going to take at ease, bas if i lose faster i dont mind


im going to the chalet today and might stay there for the whole break!!!

i might job hunt again, not sure if i quite like the working environment and the restrictions that we have where no decisions can be made from the marketing department what so ever. i feel like im in captivity from 9 to 5, 5 days a week!



Monday, February 23, 2009

مطلوب خادمة كويتية لعائلة فلسطينية‏

this is a forward i received today, and i wanted to share it with you guys..

الكويت تسواك وتسوى اهلك وتاج على راسك



اولا اعتذر عن عنوان الموضوع .. لكن هذا لشد انتباهكم للموضوع .. وللتنبيه على هذه الجملة المهمة التي اطلقها الفلسطينيون في



الكويت اثناء الغزو العراقي الغاشم عام تسعين


ونساء الكويت اكرم واشرف من اشكالهم وعلى العين والراس




الى شعب وطني .. الى اخواني واخواتي

 الى اهل الكويت




لاننكر دور بعض الفلسطينين الشرفاء الذين وقفوا مع الحق وكان لهم مواقف مشرفة

لهؤلاء البعض الشرفاء ... جزاكم الله كل خير







اول من فرح لغزو الكويت .. الفلسطينيون

اول من حرق العلم الكويتي .. الفلسطينيون

اول من تشمت بالكويتيين .. الفلسطينيون

اول من باع وخان الكويت  .. الفلسطينيون

اول من خرج في مظاهرات لتأييد الطاغية المقبور صدام .. الفلسطينيون

من كتب على الجدار "مطلوب خادمة كويتية لعائلة فلسطينية" .. الفلسطينيون

من هتف " بالكيماوي ياصدام ..من الكويت للدمام" .. الفلسطينيون

اول من فتح مجالس العزاء للمقبور ابن صبحة .. الفلسطينيون




اول من حزن لغزة .. الكويتيون

اول من تظاهر لاجل الفلسطينيون .. الكويتيون

اول من قدم الدعم الملايين للفلسطينيون .. الكويتيون

اخوان طعنوا باخوانهم من اجل الفلسطينيون .. الكويتيون

او من توشح بالكوفية الفلسطينية السوداء .. الكويتيون




للاسف هناك ناس نسوا او بالأحرى تناسوا هذه الخيانة للكويت وشعبها وشرعيتها .. تناسوا دم شهدائنا الابرار وتضحيات اولئك الابطال في معركة معسكر الصمود .. وبيت القرين .. ومقاومة كيفان ومشرف ... تناسوا دموع الامهات على ابنائهم وانين الابناء على ابائهم ... تناسوا بلد احتل باكمله .. تناسوا دمعة والدنا سمو الشيخ جابر الاحمد رحمة الله عليه




هل هي مصالح ؟؟ ام طيبة قلب ؟؟ ام ممكن مع الخيل ياشقرا ؟؟


بكل الحالات، يجب ان لا ننسى .. ولن ننسى

ومخطئ من ظن ان المواقف السلبية الفلسطينية تجاه الكويت كانت من السلطة فقط !! لا والف لا

فالخيانة لهذه الارض الطاهرة وشعبها اتت من سلطتهم وفصائلهم واحزابهم وحتى اغلبية شعبهم



بعض الفيديوات اللي طلعت .. وفي غيرها الكثير ...

واللي ما تصور اكثر



فيديو مفتى غزة الخسيس يتطاول على الكويت وآل الصباح واهل الخليج عام 1990

لاحظوا كثافة الجمهور المتحمس والمتشمت بالكويت والخليج

والله من حر قلوبهم .. الحمدلله عالنعمة وعسالله يديمها علينا




فيديو لتلفزيون العراق خلال الغزو الغاشم يبين خيانة الفلسطينين للكويت ..

!!!!! ( نشكر القائد صدام على ارجاع الفرع للأصل )

 لعنة الله على القوم الظالمين .. مابين بعيونكم الطيب




بعد كل هذا


تبونا ننسى ؟؟



قسما برب العزة ... لن ننسى


من اجل شهداء الكويت .. لن ننسى

من اجل امير الكويت .. لن ننسى

من اجل اباء وامهات الكويت .. لن ننسى

من اجل اجيال الكويت .. لن ننسى

من اجل تراب الكويت .. لن ننسى




من أجل الكويت




لن ننسى

Sunday, February 22, 2009

the gift

as i have promised, it is now time to reveal the what was the gift...

we've been thinking about what to give him for some time now and nothing good came on our mind. on thursday, when i was at work, i was looking at airlines ticket then i called my friend hamad and asked, how about we surprise nasser on saturday by going to lebanon for few hours? so, he was up for it and so was I!!!!!

we arrived there in lebanon at 1:45 and since we had no luggage we were able to leave the airport fastly. went to nasser's apartment and rang the bell where he opened the door and OF COURSE HE WAS SHOCKED AND UN-ABLE TO SAY A WORD WHERE WE WISHED HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY... 

shraykum? mo 3ajeebeeeeen? insafir 7ag youm wa7id 3ashan nitghadda oo nig3ad ib gahwa with our friend? 

il mohim we had so much fun with him and in lebanon! :P i love this country honestly!!!!

we had to go back to the airport at seven pm their time, so basically we had about 5 hours of happiness with our friend!!!!!



im hitting the sack now,


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy birthday Nasooooorrr

Well, my friend is in Lebanon currently, and the only way to give him his birthday gift is through FedEx!!! his birthday is on Sunday, but the gift is going to arrive on Saturday to Lebanon to his door step, I know you're reading this Nasser, so please stay at home waiting for the gift to come, it’s going to arrive between the hours of 1:00 to 2:15pm...... the gift is so worth it!!!

the gift is 3ibara 3an two gifts wrapped in one from me and Hamad.... it is a basket and the basket is wrapped, so you have to open about 3 layers to see the gift... I’m so excited!!!

Last year, the gift was a gift basket too and the idea was inna we put everything that he liked in one box. of course, last year's gift included a voucher for men spa massage, his perfume of the year, mwwash ribyan, ightaaar halaga imlawwina, two plants, health patches that absorbs the bad toxins in the body and a lot more...

This year's gift is a lot simpler yet more sentimental!!! I can’t say what the gift is because he reads my blog, so on Saturday night I’ll be writing about the gift.


Have a good weekend y’all

au revoir,


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Samri - Dance - wearing my rolex

I want you guys all to sing and dance while listening to it, whether you’re a guy or a girl, knowing the fact that there is a specific way of dancing for samri, and guy's dance is different than girl's, ilmohim enjoy the songs.

Dance, baby  dance and dance a bit more…… :D


To change the beat a littile bit listen to this, it’s a song that I absolutely adore, and I got the name of it today from my friend hamad!!!! Thank you Hamad, and im already missing you Nasser!!

I know, I listen to totally different styles of music, actually I listen to all kinds of good songs!!!


i got tagged by se7en to post a photo, im gonna cut the tag short and post a photo that i laugh on whenever i see it and im not tagging anyone, or better to tag anyone who wants to be tagged





Monday, February 16, 2009


i woke up today, and i have a headache and some stomach ache along with pain in my eyes... enough about me complaining how i feel grumpy....


who likes 'little Britain'? i do, im actually addicted to it, specially the narrator voice which is so deep... 


im working today out of the office to view some sites that my company is building and we as a marketing department has to market....


so, i think im back on track, this is my second day of eating as a normal person and not like a pig!!!


my friend told me that my sister is traveling on may to Lebanon so i think bagi6 wayhy and im going with her!!!


a trip to Bahrain next weekend 25 26 February is under planning, and hopefully everything works out well for me and this trip. a three days trip is just amazing


mish-tihy diyay bil firin ma3a veggies for lunch/dinner at 6pm today, i think im going to call my maid now...



by the way, im definitely tanning this weekend, 3ad yalla 3ad, i have to do it


thats about it,




Saturday, February 14, 2009

my gift for bloggers in valentines

hello!  happy valentines y'all, im going to bidi3 at 7pm to celebrate valentine ;P so here it goes without any further introduction, im going to put the recipe with the method, then put the picture. i got how to make a consistent butger out of the internet and added few things to it. im not much of A photographer so bare with the pictures


10g Butter

75g onion, finely chopped

450g minced beef, i got new zealand 25% fat beef

0.5 tsp oregano chopped

0.5 tsp Parsley chopped

1 egg, beaten

1 pinch fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

4 tbsp olive oil, for frying, i got french olive oil

semi sun dried tomatoes

Blue cheese, i wanted gorgonzola cheese bas couldn't find fa i took another blue cheese brand.]

French dijon mustard

balsamic vinegar


1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan, and add the onion. Fry over a gentle heat until the onion is soft and very pale golden. Leave to cool. 

2. Mix the mince with the herbs and egg, and then season with salt and pepper. Add the onions, and mix.

.  then shape into hamburgers. each hamburger make it in to two slices and put the blue cheese in as a filling then close the edges. Heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the burgers for several minutes on each side.  

4. Split the bun horizontally. Fill the bun with lettuce, the semi sun-dried tomatoes, 4 drops of balsamic vinegar, and french dijon mustars.Pop the hot cooked burger inside, and serve immediately.  

and now, bon appetite :p

and once again, happy valentine's day


post mchaknam

i just woke up, going to take a shower, go to sultan center, come back cook then post, TaTaaaaa 


Thursday, February 12, 2009

still wearing my sun glasses

i woke up in the morning with this amazing migraine headache. i barely finished everything on time, from shower to changing etc. 

i was wearing my sunglasses the whole time while i was getting dressed for work. its been thirty minutes since i got to my job at 9am, and im still wearing my glasses....

im one of the first ones that arrived to the company today, it is still quiet, im guessing half of the employees are not here yet, bas thats ok, real work starts at around 12:30 to 1pm.


the weather sucks for a weekend weather, i wanted a hot weather actually for this weekend so i would try to tan for a bit maybe :P 

طبعا الجو وايد أهون عن امس، الغبار قاعد يترسب، بس ما زال الجو إقث. ايدي أحس كأني ماسك حراشف سمك مو اييد من كثر لغبار و الجفاف

i think my migraine is gone...


Abdulrazzaq Al-Musallam

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Dedication To All Of You

Update: this is an update of the song from the original singer i think

i took it from Se7en Blog, thanks Se7en :) you can find his website url on the right panel

7addi emazzij at my work, so just listen to this song and relax

Monday, February 9, 2009

il maktab qamtah

il maktab il illy ana feeh im7akar 7amam. il wath3 huwa ka ittali, 3 ash5a9 fe gufa9. 

although the office is  a small one bas i kinda like it, i like the employees with me, they are such good people


abi arooo7 living room ilyoum possibly with my friend bader,,, yes bader we are going today!!


i'm going to try to make my infamous burger this weekend, and hopfully it would taste good :P ill put some pictures on my blog when i do it along with all the ingredients and the process too....

might make this a weekly thing, where i cook a dish once a week and post about it.


till next time,


Sunday, February 8, 2009

maybe just maybe

There might be a slider called after me in slider station, I gave them the recipe and if they like I’ll have the slider named after mine hahaha..


So, when you order you'd say ill have one Abdulrazzaq.... how funny haa


Its a burger with an Italian twist :P it contains the ingredients of an Italian meal fa inshalla they'll like it.




My friends are currently in a course and as soon as I post this he's going to receive a notification so Hi Hamad and S hahaha


I wan to have an event every week for the bloggers I follow where we chit chat bas online, possibly one of those baraaamij like skype..


This is my update of what is currently happening, and that’s it I guess




P.S. كانت الأيام في قلبي دموع بتجري و هي تحلالك دموعي وهي عمري آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآه

Saturday, February 7, 2009

a tan next weekend

although its not hot yet, i believe that i can tan next weekend from 9 to 5 just to absorb a light colour. i dont tan because i love the color, but i actually do it because i love the process of just sitting and melting in the sun!!!

im going in less than 4 hours to the bloggers meeting, never been there so this is something new to me. I might meet the first blogger in real life! Neoark

i think im traveling next month, bas i dont know where, or with who or when!! i want to travel fora quick weekend, bas etha ma thiba6 ma3ai im guessing im traveling in april where the heat is starting to come fa sharm il sheikh sounds nice


YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO GO TO ABYAT STORE IN SHUWAIKH ITS LIKE HOME DEPOT THAT HAS EVERYTHING YOU WANT. i saw a shower that i liked there so im guessing im buying it and replace my current shouwer...

im waiting for my friend to come on the 15th of february to take a group photo of my friends and enlarge it so i can put it instead of the painting that it in my bedroom. i prefer watching  people i care about that a stupid piece of art

best of luck y'all in your lives and remember: whatever you believe to be true is true for you!!!!


Friday, February 6, 2009

54th Bloggers Meeting

event is available in facebook
Time and Place
Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009

Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Second Cup the financial district

Street: across the stock market

Contact Info
Phone: 66189918

Ask for me, im going to be there!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

i was just having lunch

so i was just having  brunch couple of minutes ago when the CEO walked in... hahahah i was eating tabouleh, ishatahaaait sala6a.. ilmoshkila il bab kan msakkar chan edar3im so i looked funny eating then stopping to eat and putting the tabouleh on the desk and closed it until he left.

ghair hatha, as dana requested, yes people started asking me what perfume im wearing hahahah :) 

today, must go to Astra Lounge its been a while, i think im going there today but im not sure. i kinda miss my friends, i miss university days and seeing them on a daily basis, although i am seeing them almost everyday but not as often as it used to be.

i want a game that i can get addicted to, playing for hours and hours and hours. i think im getting a gameboy or whatever they call it these days, to make myself busy at home.


Have a great weekend y'all


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

i got it, and i did the diet

since i've heard so much about this perfume so i got it thanks to dandoon

desertpalms-F: i smelled YSL L'Homme and i liked it, but im gonna buy it in april, beginning of summer because it works best with kuwait's weather and sun in the summer, im also buying Dior L'Homme

this is the perfume im going to wear for work, it has a misky essence and i like it, oo il7ilo feeh inna yig3ad ree7ta in clothes


today was my first day in my Diet and i consumed 1500 calories which is not bad if im mainting the weight or doing some exercize. i wanted to exercize today but i cam back home late and im so tired now...

the problem is my work finished at 5pm and after that i wanna go home and have lunch then rest for a bit, when its 7 i go out and i come nack home at approximately 12,, so then im so tired and mali khilg even to have a bite of food.

oo bas


Monday, February 2, 2009

مقتطفات من يومياتي


my new trial diet that Ms.D gave the idea for it!


the addiction is baaaaaaaaaaaaack!! i dont think im getting any sleep tonight!!

can't wait till i finish the seasons so i would be up to date!!! oh im watching lost :P


"faaaaat ahhhh minn 3umri sneeeen ahhhh, sineeeeeeeeeen shofti kteeer kiteeeeer oo aleeeel 3ash2eeeen ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhh, iily ib yishki 7alo  il 7aloooo, willli ib yibki 3ala mawwalooooo, ahli il7ub 9a7eeeeeee7 masakeeeen"(om kalthooon)


in specific places and mawatheee3, i have all the ethics that are there in life, bas when it comes to something that i want to have or i didn't like, i'd twist my ethics to make what i want to have possible!!! is it just me, or do you guys sometimes bend some lines to get to what you want?

i gained 3 to 4 kilos in jnauary and i need to lose them fast, i do not want to be obese again, having lived my whole life as an obese, it is scary to feel that i might go back at any time being over weight and not healthy plus all the depression and unhappiness that comes along....

from tomorrow im having one meal per day, until i lose the weight then ill see what healthy way of eating best suits me to maintain my weight...

im going this weekend to buy M7 ysl perfume that Dana mentioned a lot, i must see what her "thouq" is like in men's perfume..

thats about it..

till next time,


A Failed Attempt To Express My Feelings Through Poetry

أردت أن أصنع شيئا من حياتي فزال ما كنت أخطط له،

غيرت مجرى حياتي كلها لأنسى ما كنت أبني له


كلما أركض عن ما أحب ألاقيه أقرب مني،

كلما ابتعدت جاءت فرص تقربه مني


بعد اختيار مساري استيقنت أنه يؤدي إلى ما أحب،

بعد الصحوة من أحلامي تقبلت أنني متوجه إلى ما أهوى


نكران ما سيحصل لي لن يؤدي إلا إلى ضياع الوقت،

ما رسم لي من مستقبل عاجلا أم آجلا سألبسه بعد طول أو قصر وقت