Saturday, April 25, 2009

starting a diet from tomorrow

im so excited that im strating a diet from tomorrow, and a group of bloggers are too,, 

Dandooon had this great idea of openning a support group/blog, and from there we would each present our diets and then we choose the one we would try...

check her blog for further details, the blogs name is slimpossible!

this is the diet:
Fat-free cheese with brown toast - alternatives would be sylphide cheese, light labneh, and with cucumbers and tomato, the toast has to be toasted to get an amazing delicious taste.

Salad -
you could have any kind of salad as long as it does not contain cheese, pine nuts, or bits and pieces of bread, and the dressing has to be a light vinegar dressing or a balsamic vinegar salad (lunch can be substituted with The Special-K 'kellogs' bar that you can get from sultan center )

Dinner (before 6pm)
Steak/chicken/fish with salad or veggies -
all kinds of fish, meat or chicken has to be grilled or steamed but not fried nor breaded, as for the veggies, you could have steamed vegetable, raw veggies and all kinds of salads, from tabouleh, to fattoush etc. when you change the type of food that you eat every day you wont get bored from this diet

Walk everyday for an hour
Eat fruits if hungry after 6pm -
but not a lot, an apple would do, preferably (tuffa7 bu-fsaiwa!)

it is preferred not to drink canned juice as it contains a lot of sugar, orange juice would be fine, stay away from sodas, if you are having a sweet tooth, have 3 dates(tamir) after dinner or lunch

control the food portion, for example, when you have a plate, 2/3 of it is a salad or veggies and the 1/3 left is for the meat/chicken/fish(yidaaam)
thats about it,

Abdulrazzaq Al-Musallam


Standy said...

ahh.. the famouse beraizag.. thank you so much for the diet.. i read your story somewhere, if you can loose so can we...

I am so excited to do this =D

Ms. D said...

ana y3ny elyom diet..

chan shasawe?

akil mini fatayer!

3afiaaaaa 3ley!

Cuteandcuddly said...

good luck the first week is always the hardest :)