Sunday, May 24, 2009

Irritating stuff

I can't get anything done at work. Employees from all around the company is calling me every minute asking for something that's has to do with marketing, PR, advertising or the company image.
On top of doing multiple things all at once, other tasks are being handed in to me every minute or so with the expectation of having it done on the same day.

Today I have worked for almost 11 straight hours with no breaks, jumping from one task to the other, and from one meeting after the other.

At the end of this day, I'm tired exhausted and done!

I've finished most of the tasks that were required today hoping for a relaxing day tomorrow which I doubt that its going to happen..

I know I haven't blogged for a while, bas because I'm so busy with life and work, and when its the weekend, I do not want to even touch my laptop.


Abdulrazzaq Al-Musallam
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Zain Kuwait

Thursday, May 14, 2009

كما الريشة

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

an affective video

I have watched this few months back and whenever i watch it again i love it even more... what he's saying is totally true..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Going to Dubai

After having a horrible week and weekend, this weekend, I've decided to go to Dubai, tan and come back.

Ill be back on the day of election which is on saturday to witness our lame democracy... Other than that, nothing new is happening...

I'm feeling inna bara2aat il 6ufooola erja3atli, lool, look at this!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Zain Kuwait

so looks like ilrrabiw is staying forever this time,, mlawwi3 chabdi oo akhith kil my energy!

i went to ibda3ati event today at movenpick free trade zone,, it was okay, you guys should go see it.

BUTTONS booth was there, and buttons is a blogger bas mo gadir athkir minu. 

fee stuff for blackberry so i was excited to see most of the stuff, fee cool covers...

it is still open on the 11th and 12th from 5 to 10pm.


i have this crazy new pair of glasses, shakilhum etha77ik yet stylish and that is why i took'em, i got bored from conforming with other people's style and taste....

the idea of studying master at the university of tampa is still floating and is possible inshalla next january of 2010...

thats about it,

Abdulrazzaq Al-Musallam

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

قصتي في الأمس

أتيت بعد غياب قصير، لأحكي لكم قصتي في الأيام السابقة من منظور غريب. قبل سرد ما يحدث في هذه الأيام، أرجع إلى يوم ولادتي، حيث ولدت مع مرض الربو، الذي يصيب الصدر و الجهاز التنفسي مما يؤدي إلى ضيق بالتنفس. من حسن حظي توقف هذا المرض المزمن في عام 2000م
قبل أربعة أيام، دق باب بيتي صديق قديم يصرخ يصوت عالي، هرعت لفتح الباب ألا بصديق الطفولة يقف أمامي بابتسامة وراءها الكثير من الذكريات. عانقني بحرارة و قال لي: اشتقت لك، وصمت، لم يقل شيئا بعد هاتين الكلمتين و لكن ظل يعانقني يأقوى ما عنده مما جعلني أدرك أنه جالس لمدة طويلة هذه المرة
بغد غياب ما يزيد عن 9 سنوات، من دون أي مقدمة،حضنني و عوضني عن ما فاتني من تسغ سنوات في 4 أيام فقط
The Moral Of This Story:
Nothing is totally gone, it will always find a way to come back, even if you detached it from your life. 
9 years is a long time being asthma free, and after 9 years as if it never stopped!!
Abdulrazzaq Al-Musallam~ Insomniac